Your Wild and Precious Life

Life is short. It doesn’t feel like it when you are little. Summer stretches out and getting from one grade to the next takes forever!

Then as we get older, the days, weeks, months and years seem to pass by with such speed that it’s easy to forget how old you are. We can’t slow down time, but we can be more deliberate about how we spend it.

Do you love your job or where you spend the majority of your time?

Do you get excited about things on your weekly schedule?

Do you wake up feeling motivated to start your day?

Do you go to bed feeling satisfied and grateful?

And the big one; Are you feeling inspired?

If you read those questions, shook your head, and thought - “no one feels that way”, or “definitely not”,  or maybe “I wish that was my reality”, I’m here to tell you that it can be.

You’ve simply lost your sense of direction, your internal compass is broken and you’ve gone on autopilot. You are not alone in this, the majority of our population live life in this way, a sad but true fact.

You have the answers inside. Who you truly are and what sets your soul on fire lives inside of you. Maybe it’s buried deep underneath all the shoulds and beliefs about success and worthiness, fears and pain, but that spark that is You, it’s there, it’s in your bones.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ~ Mary Oliver


Getting REAL